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Whitney Schneider-Cline, Ph.D., SLP-CCC‚ is an associate professor and department chair for CDIS. Dr. Schneider-Cline teaches primarily graduate coursework in pediatric speech, language, and literacy disorders. As an instructor, Dr. Schneider-Cline enjoys applying a “flipped” classroom model and using time with students for application of course concepts. Dr. Schneider-Cline’s research interests align with her teaching as well as in the scholarship of teaching and learning – investigating best practices for preparing future speech-language pathologists.
Ph.D., University of Nebraska Lincoln, Educational Psychology
MS.Ed., University of Nebraska at Kearney, Communication Disorders
B.S., University of Nebraska at Kearney, Communication Disorders
Speech Sound Disorders
Reading & Writing Strategies for School-Based SLPs
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) - CCC-SLP
ASHA Division 10: Issues in Higher Education - member
Nebraska licensure in Speech-Language Pathology
Nebraska Speech-Language Hearing Association (NSLHA) – Member